Ohio’s Community Mercy Hospice invites the community to remember and celebrate their loved ones at…

Our Mission Includes a Calling for Kindness
We are living in turbulent times. Rampant change and uncertainty create an unsettling and uncomfortable environment for us. In times like these, it is important to find familiar touchstones and institutions to trust.
At Ohio’s Hospice, we strive to be a reliable touchstone for our communities and an institution worthy of community trust. Providing superior care and superior services to families facing life-limiting illnesses is our only mission. As we help families facing a final goodbye, we bring the highest level of expertise to our work. But expertise alone is not enough to comfort. It is even more important to be gentle, merciful, compassionate and tender. These are attributes so rare in our world that we must remind ourselves of the power and value they bear.
Ohio’s Hospice embraces kindness as a core value. Kindness is a simple but demanding expectation. When families face the unbearable loss of a loved one, kindness is the most critical component of our mission. As author Roy T. Bennett notes, “Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”
Kindness can help change our turbulent times into individual moments of compassion that outweigh uncertainty and doubt. Kindness is the beginning of all that is good and worthwhile in our lifetime.
We thank our community for the kindness and support that enables us to continue our hospice mission. You can join in our calling by making a donation.
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